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From: Teen experimenting by Texasjacker

Me and my cousin were the same age. We started around 12 or 13 and did everything. We would begin talking about sex or the hot chicks at school and get really horny then end up relieving each other. I would get so anxious on Friday nights when I knew he was coming to my house (or vice versa) for a sleepover. Oh what fun those nights were. When we began driving, we'd go out into the country and jack and suck. Man those were great times. Funny how we were both crazy about girls but would be so horny we'd just help each other out!

From: Need a quickie on mic! by Texasjacker

Married, straight, and need a real quick mic session!

From: Any Christians? by Texasjacker

Christian and married here...feel guilty as hell coming here, but I love doing it!

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