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From: Nudist beaches in South UK by carparkman2

could be an idea grin

From: Nudist beaches in South UK by carparkman2

Hi all - am visiting the UK August next year (2024) and while my wife goes one way I'll go another. Our interests are a million miles apart, so we decided to have "personalised" holidays. I will be along the south coast so wondered if any of you can recommend some NUDIST beaches.

From: Cam without cum by carparkman2

Hi guys - I am type 1 diabetic so not always easy to get fully hard. Add to this, the few times I have cammed, was a bit nervous to cum - so just wondered if any older guys (Im 67) would like to chat on cam while fiddling with our dicks, but with no expectation of cumming. If it does happen, then its a bonus. Help me get over my nervousness.

From: Limp Cock by carparkman2

Mine wont get hard all the time, so i use a vibrating back-massager resting on it - works well even with totally soft and produces great orgasms.

From: CLEAR YOUR INBOX!!! by carparkman2

For the 3rd time this weekend someone messaged me and I replied, but got "Sorry, Inbox is full"!

From: UK wanking while working from home by carparkman2

im the same - work from home naked and just rub a lot! Ca't help myself

From: Danielle Nicholls former kids tv by carparkman2

PervertFive - your inbox is full so couldnt message you

From: Any kiwis in here? by carparkman2

Im a kiwi and just wondered how many of us there are in Jackinchat.

From: Ever cammed but with no real intention of cumming? by carparkman2

Weird thing... I was camming with a guy a while ago and we got chatting about life and masturbation etc. But after a while, while we were both stroking, he said "lets not cum, I just prefer to end this chat as mates" - only happened once but have to say it was most enjoyable. Not sure why.

From: Married and not getting any by carparkman2

I think ALL married men over 55 masturbate rather than get any sex. I did read once the number that age and older in sexless marriages was 83%.

From: Married and not getting any by carparkman2

A wonderfully understanding wife!

From: Ejaculating while still soft by carparkman2

Viagra works for me. Otherwide while it still feels good to stroke a softie, cumming is far more diffuclt

From: SKinny girls with flat chests by carparkman2

Me too grin

From: Early Internet Porn by carparkman2

Yes 14.4k!! Each pic took 3 or 4 minutes+ to download!

From: Early Internet Porn by carparkman2

Yes I stumbled upon a site back in the late 1990s/early 2000s that had a massive range of porn - all imagined kinds, much of which is now illegal. It had a lot of Russian text, so my guess was thats where it originated from. It was my first big find and totally opened my eyes!!

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