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From: Erotic Fiction by jjerismo

It's a yes for me! An efriend that I shared much with suggested I lived and enjoyed jacking off living through many stories.

I reminded him, I didn't bring home any problems or disease from reading and jacking to stories. Nore did I have to deal with someone's personality from messing around with them.

Much easier through stories.

From: The first porn you remember seeing/jacking to... by jjerismo

My first experience with porn, I was about 13 and found a book in the alley titled "All Woman".

It was a very erotic story about a guy ravishing a woman.

I was hiding in the closet reading and jacking with my older narcist brother opened the door, ridiculed me and took the book and gave it to our father who told me to go find a book on all math.

What a bummer, the brother has always been a pain in my ass!

From: Too impatient to edge by jjerismo

Unregistered, yes of course there's more like yourself.

Being married I find it difficult to find enough alone time to edge.

That being said, all my life I've been like yourself from hiding my jacking as a teenager because I was berated severely for playing with my cock.

Best I ever did was with an efried that I developed an online relationship with. That took years with many many emails.

I went away for a weekend alone once or twice a year, and we'd enjoy phone sex. One night we jacked for almost two hours without cuming. I can still hear him in my ear telling me "not yet Jay, not yet.

I bet we chatted for almost ten years, and one day he ghosted me. I miss him, I wished him well but it's a terrible thing to ghost someone.

We did have the conversation once that since I was older, that one day it's possible that he'd never hear from me again if something happened like a heart attack.

Sadly it happened the other way around.

Miss you Jack!

From: Virgin Bottom looking for Advice by jjerismo

I fantasize a lot about having a male in my behind. But my only experience is playing with my home made dildo.

JObuddyIA you sure have given great advice!

From: self love for solo sexuals by jjerismo

I love how you asked about self love for solo sexuals.

I've gotten aways for some weekends and when I'm away I always feel when the evenings came around I always took myself on a date with solo sex planned for the night.

I'd start out with a great dinner and drinks, pop the little blue pill then relax for what I knew was cuming!

I just never thought what I was doing was being a "solo sexual" ha ha

That's what I am, and I enjoy the hell out of making love to myself!

From: What position do you usually masturbate in? by jjerismo

Being in my older years now, I'm usually jackin in my recliner chair. Laptop next to me sometimes reading and sometimes watching some gay porn.

When I get the time which means, time alone and privacy, I have a long anal toy which I can use on while laying on my basement couch.

I can control it with the heal of my foot and when I have it where I like it, I can simply rock my body on it and fuck myself to my delight.

It's just crazy how much we can learn to enjoy anal pleasuring if we just open our minds to it.

From: Book hotel just too wank by jjerismo

I've come up with excuses to get away for weekends. There's nothing like being totally free to enjoy one's body whenever you wish to and how long you wish to.

One weekend I fucked myself with my toy so often I just knew I was the most fucked man walking that weekend.

Went home with a smile on my face, no chances of bring home something from being with another person either. Totally happy and fulfilled!

From: do you like a finger.... by jjerismo

I've fantasized about fucking my cock with a rod but always chicken out for fear of infection.

From: Top or Bottom: Issue of dominance, or personal pleasure preference? by jjerismo


From: cumming by jjerismo

What a lovely pic above!

As I get ready for sleep tonight, I'll reach down, wait for the blood to flow and fill my cock. I'll be tired, but I'll wait as it does take awhile at 73, but the blood will come and I will be able to once again enjoy pleasuring myself and enjoy my body cuming once more and appreceiate what makes me a man.

May we all enjoy our cocks in our hands till the time of our passing.

Enjoy all, happy stroking!

From: precum by jjerismo

Mrfister, that 's a cool ways to pretend to do some sucking.
I did something like that with a banana one evening. I got so hot I had to pound one out right then an there.
Afterwards I had to eat the opened banana, smiling of course.

From: The joy of an empty house by jjerismo

When I worked, now retired, I'd arrange a weekend away from home once or twice a year. I'd take my toys and lube and enjoy myself all weekend.

I'd walk around from meeting to meeting knowing I was best fucked guy there!

I miss those weekends.

From: What is the difference between a creampie, breeding and seeding? by jjerismo

IN the heat of that passion, who the heck cares?

From: Masturbation Questionnaire by jjerismo

1. When did you start masturbating and how many years have you been masturbating for? About ten years of age, masturbating for 62 years. Hell of a toy we have![/b]

2. How often do you masturbate? At 72 about every other day.

3. How long do you usually masturbate for? Ten minutes

4. When did you last masturbate? Yesterday

5. When do you usually masturbate? Afternoons and evenings.

6. Where do you usually masturbate? Evenings

7. Which hand do you masturbate with? Right

8. [MEN] What do you cum on? (chest, belly, hand etc.) Belly

9. [MEN] Have you ever cummed in your mouth or tasted your own cum? Yes

10. Do you practise edging (masturbating on the edge of orgasm)? Not much.

11. How long did your longest masturbating session take? Almost two hours.

12. How long are you able to abstain from masturbation and what was the longest period you went on without masturbating? Don't remember.

13. Have you ever had multiple orgasms while masturbating?
Yes in my younger years.

14. Do you use lubrication? If yes, what do you use? Albolene!

15. Have you ever been caught masturbating? Yes

16. Have you ever masturbated with a person of the opposite sex? Yes.

17. Have you ever masturbated with a person of the same sex? Yes but over the phone.

18. Do you use anal play while masturbating? Yes, love it!

19. Have you ever had an anally-related orgasm? No

20. What is the most times you masturbated on a single day? Four in my older years, six in my younger years.

From: do you like a finger.... by jjerismo

I love it too, love the feeling of being entered with my toy then the plunge into my depths!

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