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From: Hiking sex by kimster

aUKGuy said:
Haha yes I second this! I wish the weather was more suited to it here.

It's funny how the tiniest rock, in the wrong spot, can really throw off the rhythm. Hehe. grin

From: Hiking sex by kimster

Bring a very thick blanket. grin

From: Grooming by kimster

For me, shaved.

For him, trimmed or shaved. grin

From: What do you like to sleep in? by kimster

Tshirt, sweatpants, and underwear all year round! Unless it's an especially warm night, then no sweatpants.

From: Ever watch someone get dominated and wish it were you? by kimster

The idea is sexy, but I'm sure the reality would be a lot messier and awkward. grin

From: Ejaculating Inside of You by kimster

Depends on the mood. His rush to pull out in time and cum on my chest can be pretty exciting. grin

From: Thoughts while masturbating by kimster

I often like to remember past experiences - noises, scents, that sort of thing.

From: is this considered cheating on your gf/wife by kimster

Yes! >.<

From: Do you like being a guy's jerk off material? by kimster

I had a drunken coworker (Christmas party) confess that he jerked off to me all the time. I was actually flattered what with all the other women he could be using. He was super embarrassed about telling me that the next day. grin

From: The first hardon by kimster

Haha. I think I actually asked him "Can you move it?" as if it was something he could direct with his thoughts alone. grin

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