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That's exactly how I feel about it, and you nailed it
right On Point.

Two guys jackin together is just that, mutual fun
shared privately between the two guys.
Doing so does not make a guy "gay", and it does not
make a guy any less than a Man he is.
Women get off together like it was a spiritual/erotic
Sisterhood (usually seen in pagan settings).
I don't see any problem with Men enjoying that
type of bond as well.

A woman could jerk me off... but She doesn't have
a Cock, therefore she doesn't know where or how
to stimulate all the sweet spots my cock has.
(I've also met a few guys who Don't know how to
get my cock turned on, and I gotta Coach them! lol)

I don't concur with mainstream society's 'taboo'
approach to this matter.
But I do have my own personal moral convictions
about it: I never mess around with Married guys
and Straight guys, because I respect their
sexual orientation and matrimonial commitments.
If a Straight or Married guy sees my cock,
or shows me his cock, in a public restroom-
I maintain my rule of "Look, but Don't touch".

Outdoors in a secluded wooded area where Cruising
takes place, the first thing I ask the guy is
"are you straight or married?" before we engage
in anything that could be a jerk-off session
(or a blow-job session)
He might lie about it, nothing I can do about that
but walk away.

Two guys may have been good friends for so many years,
on a camping or fishing trip, if they wanna get off
together... Let them do so. Just the two of them
alone out in the woods.
After that they can go home without a scratch
or a dent in their Masculinity, but a nice
fond personal memory that only They will know.

MattTheStud said:
Question for the straight guys. Like myself, I wouldn't be opposed to hand swapping enthusiasm. In fact, in a league all it's own, I'd really enjoy it. Why is this?

Is it because a hard dick is a symbol of horny maleness and jacking off is something a man enjoys to himself and only a man could understand, so doing it with another dude is sharing that enthusiasm? It's a part of sexual release a woman rarely understands anyways, so it is nice having appreciable company.

Is it feeding the curiosity of what it looks and feels like when another guy's in your hands, taking control of it like a man wants and dominating the fuk out of it, like every guy wants?

What's you straight guy's thoughts?
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JOLUVR Professional Jackinchatter

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Man you really nailed it in his post ! Women have been enjoying getting off together forever yet guys say you're not straight if they enjoy their masculinity together, go figure. I don't agree.

Great post !

No cum is wasted.
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Unregistered ?

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I consider myself straight.

Put this:
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and this:
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in front of me, and you are damn sure I will take that female 10 out of 10 times.

However, I would never turn down these situations:
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8inchDanny Novice Jackinchatter

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spot on
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FaggotFredCUMPIG Amateur Jackinchatter

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ShiningLloyd said:
I like playing with dicks in part because a man can relate to my sexual experience (and vice versa) in ways that a woman cannot, but more importantly I like dicks because they are hot! Some of you guys waste a lot of mental energy trying to rationalize your behaviors and determine what counts as "gay" or not. What we like is what we like, and what we don't like is what we don't like. Why can't we just do what we like?

And not be labeled or put down or have to think that we should do these things and feel ashamed or embarrassed by them. The human being is a sexual creature, one of the few that has sex for pleasure and not just a way to multiply. Sex is an enormously arousing and powerful thing and should not be labeled as straight, gay, lesbian, bi whatever! I understand all the religious views of how things are said to be, but really? Does being straight or not define who you are as a person? It shouldn't. I used to think so,but things changed for me so that I see things differently than I used to. I didnt change the person that I am, just the way I see things more clearly. Staring in the face of death and beating it will change your whole perspective on life. Just one man's opinion!
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Unregistered ?

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I'm going in deep with my response.

Ignorant people would say you're gay. Point, blank, period. But not only is curiousity very natural among all species of animal but for humans, it's normal to be curious about the same sex for many reasons.

Astheticly, a nice looking man completely naked is like candy for the eyes. Men would be lying if they said they never stared at a naked man in the gym. Secondly, the penis is very sensual. While my actions would deem me bisexual, I am still very much attracted to females to consider myself straight.

Also, there's the notion that your own sex knows how to please you sexually better than the opposite sex and that's true. When it comes to pussy, no one will know how to pleasure it and know which spots to hit better than a person who has one. But that doesn't mean a man can't either. Men who can eat out a pussy and make a woman shriek with ecstacy are amazing. The same is true for men. Most pornos I watch the woman is slobbering on the dick and I'm like, a dick is not meant to be slobbered on. Make beautiful love to that dick and give that man the best pleasure he has ever felt. Only a man can please a dick the way it is meant to be pleasured.

Trust me, men don't secretly find sexual release with other men because they are all secretly gay but because we all as humans have a natural curiousity to either experiement or be with the same sex and try something they may like. Notice with women who kiss their female friends like it's no big thing, it's just girls being girls and if a man viewed it happening, it would be hot. But if a dude did that, it's automatically gay and he needs to come out of the closet.

I've officially tried messing around sexually with a man in 2010. We made out mostly each time and he sucked me off and it felt amazing. I wanted more. But at the time I was adamant about no anal sex . Though because I was inexperienced with sucking a dick, my first time ever and I hurt him with my teeth. I felt so bad that I hurt him. Now I've got 5 hookups under my belt, each different and with 2 of them, I went further and tried sonething new.

One guy got on top of me and attempted riding me and I gave in and fucked him. If you can consider it a fuck. It was very brief and very messy. Shameful at how messy it was. Though I will leave out details of how messy . Another guy who I've been fooling around with longer actually thrusted between my butt cheeks the day I met him and even tho he didn't penetrate, it was different and felt kinda good. The next time he penetrated me and before I knew it, I was being fucked in the ass. It is not a feeling I enjoy. I don't like anything up my butt and I don't enjoy sticking my dick inside someone's butt either. While I don't enjoy anal of any kind, I do like sucking and kissing and it won't happen until you try it. It's just release. Everyone should try something different sexually.
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Unregistered ?

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While I consider myself mainly str8 there is something great about shamelessly wanking alongside another guy or guys. Wanking does not have to be a sad solitary occupation!

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Unregistered ?

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The way I see it, you don't have to be attracted to guys to get pleasure from them. Your dick doesn't know or care who's wanking it
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Hunguncutmwm Novice Jackinchatter

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Interesting thread, and I also gave my 2 cents on a similar thread a while back. In my opinion, what this boils down to is your sexuality as a human versus sexual preference. When topics of conversarion like this arise, I often refer to the Ancient Romans and Greeks, in which males had sexual interaction with each other all the time, and was perfectly accepted and expected to occur prior to marriage. Even after marriage, many men carried on sexual relations with male counterparts. No such labels even existed back then. Only after civilizations advanced and democracies formed was when such activity was deemed taboo and inappropriate. To me, the bottom line is that as males, we are wired sexually to want to explore and share our sexuality with other males. It exists in every class of animals. It's instinctual and primal. Labels have their place in defining sexual preference and orientation, but serve no purpose in defining sexual instinctual desires. It's a shame evolution of society places great stress on as as humans for being deviant when it comes to our sexuality.
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FaggotFredCUMPIG Amateur Jackinchatter

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Hunguncutmwm said:
Interesting thread, and I also gave my 2 cents on a similar thread a while back. In my opinion, what this boils down to is your sexuality as a human versus sexual preference. When topics of conversarion like this arise, I often refer to the Ancient Romans and Greeks, in which males had sexual interaction with each other all the time, and was perfectly accepted and expected to occur prior to marriage. Even after marriage, many men carried on sexual relations with male counterparts. No such labels even existed back then. Only after civilizations advanced and democracies formed was when such activity was deemed taboo and inappropriate. To me, the bottom line is that as males, we are wired sexually to want to explore and share our sexuality with other males. It exists in every class of animals. It's instinctual and primal. Labels have their place in defining sexual preference and orientation, but serve no purpose in defining sexual instinctual desires. It's a shame evolution of society places great stress on as as humans for being deviant when it comes to our sexuality.

True! The bad thing is, we let society dictate what is and what isn't! What is and isn't, you ask? Everything. Society tells us what we should feel, what we should think, do, act, everything. Only you can be you, nobody else, you. So the next time society tells you that you can or can't.middle, let them know that you are a person that kneels to no one!!
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