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Unregistered ?

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Fair enough that other dude that mentioned the advert sounded like some closet cased troll. But I was thinking the same. Why does this site have a constant gay advert? There's lots of str8 guys that use this site also. That advert kinda makes the site look gay to a first time visitor even though it's not.
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happystaff Amateur Jackinchatter

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I think it used to be for fleshlight a while back. But if you look at it the moment you scroll its gone and the advert means we dont have to pay for the site so i dont think its that big a deal.
It's the only cock you have, big or small enjoy it!
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mark_my_wordss Novice Jackinchatter

67 posts since 2013-09-16
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Luckily I have adblocker installed now. But this is pretty much a gay site now. Just click on the home page and look at the recent topics and usually about half of them have "cock" in the title.
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Unregistered ?

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To be fair a lot of porno vids have "cock" in the title also. And porn is pretty much cock driven. If it wasn't they would just skip the BJ scenes.
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mark_my_wordss Novice Jackinchatter

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Okay "sucking another guys cock" then. Or "never touched another cock". Or "spurted on by a bud". You know what I meant.
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SlightlySalty Skilled Jackinchatter

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happystaff is correct. The ads help keep the site free for all of us, and if the one paying the bill wants to run gay ads so be it. If they offend you simply ignore them like you would advertising on any other media. There are a lot of tv and radio ads that I find annoying, but that doesn't cause me to abandon the channel or rant to the station owner. I just pay them no attention.

I do find it amusing when people complain about the site and threaten to leave. If they find it that disturbing they can simply choose to visit one of the other million or so adult sites. As they have not had to invest anything to use this one they have nothing to lose by picking up and leaving. Perhaps they feel their departure would be such a blow to the community that they owe us a warning so we can raise our collective voices in protest. Ok. I'll get right on that...
* Contains all natural ingredients. No preservatives, added fillers or MSG.
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palmer Skilled Jackinchatter

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I never really noticed/paid much attention. Or, maybe its the ad blocker. I agree, the ads keep the site up & running for us for - free.
its just sex
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SloStroker Omnipitant Jackinchatter

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I run an adblocker and don't see them but they wouldn't offend me.

I don't quite understand why guys who are visiting a site about jacking off get offended by "gay" ads featuring cock, or posts about cock. It's a site pretty well dedicated to cock.

Check out my porn blog at https://slostroker.bdsmlr.com/ and my writing blog at https://slostroker.wordpress.com or catch me on Skype as SloStroker
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mark_my_wordss Novice Jackinchatter

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Doesn't sound like you make much effort to understand.
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happystaff Amateur Jackinchatter

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mark_my_wordss said:
Doesn't sound like you make much effort to understand.

Doesn't sound like you make much effort to understand that this site is for everyone straight, bi, gay, lesbian and anyone I missed. There are posts here that have nothing to do with my sexual preferences or turn ons, but they turn some people on and that's what this site is for. You can alwas bookmark the straight boards and go straight there.
It's the only cock you have, big or small enjoy it!
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mark_my_wordss Novice Jackinchatter

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Possibly I could, but that doesn't alter the fact that I don't think you try to understand.
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happystaff Amateur Jackinchatter

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I've just read all your posts and aside from wanting to wank over Japanese etc all you do is tell people that they should post in the rainbow room, even if they post in the rainbow room it would still appear on the homepage. And why click on the posts in the first place? If it's a subject that offends you and doesn't interest you then do not read it in the first place. I think people here make more effort to understand your viewpoint than you do to understand them.
It's the only cock you have, big or small enjoy it!
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mark_my_wordss Novice Jackinchatter

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The point is you can't avoid them. Yes, you don't have to open a specific thread, but just going to the home page you're already bombarded by pictures of cocks (adverts and peoples avatars). And often you can't even tell from a thread title what's going to be in it before you go inside and bam, there it is again.

There's been no attempt by anyone to "understand" my viewpoint or anyone else whose said anything similar. The stock response is "go somewhere else then". How is that understanding?
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Unregistered ?

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It would be best if the site had more targeted ads, but I doubt most ad networks are interested in serving ads on a site like this. Hell, I know Google at least wouldn't. So the site has to compensate by doing it the old fashioned way, I imagine, and selling the space directly to whoever wants it. Hence why we see the same ads running months on end.

I don't personally mind it. I have no insecurities in my sexuality to where it bothers me. I know there are a lot of gay people on this site. I'm not too interested in that side of the fence, but a lot of people clearly are.
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jackininhouston Novice Jackinchatter

46 posts since 2011-07-24
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i am amazed at how serious some people take sites like this one. it's not really important enough to get so worked up either way, is it? if it is... wow. if you are so offended by gay stuff then the site is not the one who has a problem. we're not curing cancer here we're talking about jacking off. if you can talk about j/o without talking about cock then maybe i've been doing it wrong. lol
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