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OhioPastor Amateur Jackinchatter

114 posts since 2012-12-26
38 year old bisexual male from Ohio
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I may be a bit partial as an Ohioan, but I do believe that John Kasich is the best choice. He has experience both in the US House and as a governor. While he is not a moderate, he is the most moderate of the six remaining candidates, and I don't think we need a president who is firmly entrenched near the extreme edges of their party. I know that he isn't going to win even the nomination, and I think that's because he entered the race too late, is too moderate, and has been running for vice president instead of president.

My second choice would be Marco Rubio, though he isn't ready yet to be president.

I absolutely will not be voting for Donald Trump. The Democrats could nominate a dead fish and I would vote for the fish over him. Trump is completely unqualified and is merely playing to people's fears and anger, and not very positive ones at that.

Cruz is better than Trump, but not by much. I know that he is being portrayed as the evangelical candidate, but there is so much about his policies that fails to grasp the Biblical principal of loving your neighbor, and is often (like with Trump) at opposition to it.

There are some things about Bernie Sander's platform that do appeal to me as a Christian (universal healthcare and free college education). However, I don't think he has a good plan to actually accomplish these goals and even if he did I still don't think he could make them happen given the current political climate. I also do think that he is too radical in many of his views.

That leaves us with Hilary. I am not a fan of hers, however, she is without question the most experienced candidate (next to Kasich) and is probably the most qualified. Since the choice will likely come down to her and Trump, I will be forced to vote for her.

Disclaimer: I am not your typical staunch right-wing evangelical pastor. While I am far from liberal, I do come down much more near the political center than most Protestant ministers. I agree with the right on issues like abortion and gay marriage, but side more with the left when it comes to things like gun control and healthcare, other issues I end up somewhere between both parties. I don't think either party has a monopoly on policy lining up with the Bible.
Christian, Pastor, Masturbator
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Dman said:
Too easy. Socialism is the opposite of capitalism, only worse. And I believe you are misapplying credit for repeating the faux facts as reality. That's straight out of Saul Alinsky's playbook, of whom the Wretch is an ardent admirer.
I'm going to try one more time: please define socialism.
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Dman said:
I believe that liberalism is a form of mental illness. I really do. And I'm not a taker as I pay a very high tax rate while making a pretty comfortable 6 figure salary. What I resent is the govt giving my money to people that don't work, are a drain on our society and expect to be taken care of for life. Free stuff. Cmon man yknow. It should be free. Damn corporations. They're not really people yknow. Oh and answer me this. How much philanthropy do the Koch bros and their ilk perform annually? I don't care how much money they make to tell you the truth. How does that really affect you?
So you must be furious about the Waltons then. They pay their workers wages that are too low to live on, and the middle class makes up for the difference with FICA taxes.
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Dman Professional Jackinchatter

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Leo_bloom said:
I'm going to try one more time: please define socialism.

Think nationwide commune. Or nationalized businesses. Or total control over banking, transportation, the press. Think Cuba. Venezuela. El Salvador. Those have all worked out pretty well eh Leo. Look it up. Fitting moniker, btw.
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Dman Professional Jackinchatter

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Leo_bloom said:
So you must be furious about the Waltons then. They pay their workers wages that are too low to live on, and the middle class makes up for the difference with FICA taxes.

Hate the Waltons, or at least the Walmart business plan. They've messed up a few of my favorite communities with their 10 year plans, well 9-1/2 actually.
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Nicks Professional Jackinchatter

1356 posts since 2012-06-23
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When people say Hilary is the right person for the job and they feel they can trust her. Why is it when I bring up the fact that as a 27 year old staff attorney for the House Judiciary Committee during the Watergate investigation, Hillary Rodham was fired by her supervisor, lifelong Democrat Jerry Zeifman. When asked why Hillary Rodham was fired, Zeifman said in an interview, "Because she was a liar. She was an unethical, dishonest lawyer, she conspired to violate the Constitution, the rules of the House, the rules of the Committee, and the rules of confidentiality."

All Democrates I speak with over this they fold like a house of cards.
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hornytom Amateur Jackinchatter

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[quote=Nicks]When people say Hilary is the right person for the job and they feel they can trust her. Why is it when I bring up the fact that as a 27 year old staff attorney for the House Judiciary Committee during the Watergate investigation, Hillary Rodham was fired by her supervisor, lifelong Democrat Jerry Zeifman. When asked why Hillary Rodham was fired, Zeifman said in an interview, "Because she was a liar. She was an unethical, dishonest lawyer, she conspired to violate the Constitution, the rules of the House, the rules of the Committee, and the rules of confidentiality."

A leopard never changes its spots!
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Dman Professional Jackinchatter

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Dman said:
Think nationwide commune. Or nationalized businesses. Or total control over banking, transportation, the press. Think Cuba. Venezuela. El Salvador. Those have all worked out pretty well eh Leo. Look it up. Fitting moniker, btw.

Master edger, labia licker, nipple tugger and veteran voyeur.
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bfphawk Professional Jackinchatter

1235 posts since 2012-02-03
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I believe the truly frightening thing about this election season is the followers of Trump. I think the elephant in the room is the bigotry, hatred, intolerance, self-serving, and isolationist attitudes that are being championed by Trump and how so many "Americans" are stepping up to support those ideas. It is now clear that there are a great many people in this country that believe what he is selling and that is absolutely scary. The hatred that so many people feel toward others and have hidden in the guise of "good old fashioned family values and beliefs" is devastating and will lead to anarchy in our country.

We need a leader and, unfortunately, so far nobody has illustrated an ability to be that person that we so desperately need. I am for sure a Democrat and I support Clinton as the only candidate with enough political experience to do the job, although I hear the hatred that many have for her. I don't really understand it but I hear it. I never imagined that we would elect a black person to the presidency but we did it twice! I has been a great seven years and would have been better if Congress would have actually worked toward something other than fracturing our system of government. I hope we can do better at the election and moving forward.

Go Peace and Prosperity for America!
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Nicks Professional Jackinchatter

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bfphawk said:
I believe the truly frightening thing about this election season is the followers of Trump. I think the elephant in the room is the bigotry, hatred, intolerance, self-serving, and isolationist attitudes that are being championed by Trump and how so many "Americans" are stepping up to support those ideas. It is now clear that there are a great many people in this country that believe what he is selling and that is absolutely scary. The hatred that so many people feel toward others and have hidden in the guise of "good old fashioned family values and beliefs" is devastating and will lead to anarchy in our country.

We need a leader and, unfortunately, so far nobody has illustrated an ability to be that person that we so desperately need. I am for sure a Democrat and I support Clinton as the only candidate with enough political experience to do the job, although I hear the hatred that many have for her. I don't really understand it but I hear it. I never imagined that we would elect a black person to the presidency but we did it twice! I has been a great seven years and would have been better if Congress would have actually worked toward something other than fracturing our system of government. I hope we can do better at the election and moving forward.

Go Peace and Prosperity for America!

Can not disagree with you that Clinton does have the most political experience but with past track record of not being honest can caught lying is not a good example of what our nation needs as a leader. Trump does not have the experience like Hilary but neither did Regan and he turned out to be a great president. Trump is just saying what people are think and that's where his popularity comes from. Seems like the people are just fed up with the direction the democrats have this country heading. People just want to keep what they work hard for but the democrats have other plans for that.
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bfphawk Professional Jackinchatter

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Nicks said:
Can not disagree with you that Clinton does have the most political experience but with past track record of not being honest can caught lying is not a good example of what our nation needs as a leader. Trump does not have the experience like Hilary but neither did Regan and he turned out to be a great president. Trump is just saying what people are think and that's where his popularity comes from. Seems like the people are just fed up with the direction the democrats have this country heading. People just want to keep what they work hard for but the democrats have other plans for that.

I hear you. Consider, however, the irony in that statement "People just want to keep what they work hard for but the democrats have other plans for that." I completely understand that sentiment and I want to keep what I earn also. However whenever I hear conservatives tout the "tax and spend Democrats" I wonder why so many people actually believe that the Republicans will make it so those people will have more in their pockets and not allow big business to prosper from the population's efforts. Then those same people that think they want smaller government, which is what the Reps are selling, then cry foul of that same smaller government when their roads break down or their water is tainted. All any Republican president in the last 50 years has done is increase the wealth of the higher class and cut social programs while providing a pittance of a "tax cut" to the lower classes, including the so-called "middle class" which we really don't have today. Those tax cuts and increases in business profits and higher wealth classes have resulted in Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Education, Health Care, the nation's infrastructure, and the working class all being threatened. As a nation we used to be a manufacturing giant, which is why our wealth increased following WW2 and since then we have allowed our working classes to fester and our manufacturing to be sent overseas, along with recent high-tech jobs, which has resulted in a population that survives on service-level jobs. Would you like fries with that?

Real jobs, real social program support, real prosperity, and real leadership is what we need. Do I know who will bring all that? No I don't. Will the hatred and obvious unwillingness to govern that we have seen from the Republican party, including when GW was in the White House, make us a better, stronger nation? No it will not.

If a Republican wins will the Democrats say openly that they will not do anything other than try to get that person out of office? Or refuse to legislate because that Black Man has introduced a plan? No they will not. But that is exactly what the Rep leadership in Congress has done for seven years and it is appalling. Instead the Republicans should have tried to win back the White House by proving they are the better party with real constructive ideas to improve all lives, not just the ones with big money. Instead they try to influence folks with fear and hatred.
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Nicks Professional Jackinchatter

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Just find the candidate you most agree with and vote. I don't care who you vote for just vote. Many people have died to keep the right to vote and we have four constitutional rights that protect our right to vote but most don't know that.
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Dman Professional Jackinchatter

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Nicks said:
Just find the candidate you most agree with and vote. I don't care who you vote for just vote. Many people have died to keep the right to vote and we have four constitutional rights that protect our right to vote but most don't know that.

I agree with you Nicks completely. And the simple response to the venom flowing from Hawks about the inactivity in Congress during DumbAss' reign can be summed up thusly: Harry Reid.
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dwmEdger50 Novice Jackinchatter

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joystk said:
The entire farce of a political process we have in this country makes me sick. I am going to turn off the TV, go find some good internet porn and masturbate my penis until November.

While I can appreciate this sentiment, it is exactly why the process is fucked up. Too many level-headed people don't take the time to find out where politicians stand on the issues, or fail to vote at all. This makes it easy for extremists to move in and take over.
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JockstrapJacker Amateur Jackinchatter

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Did anybody get hot when Trump talked about the size of his penis?
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