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Bigolly Amateur Jackinchatter

117 posts since 2009-10-06
bisexual from Southeast U.S. (La.)
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I'm really glad that a friend told me about this site. It's good to know that there are 800+ folks out there who are interested in the same erotic, sensual, and deliciously sexual, activities as I am. The only thing better than sitting here and happily masturbating is the opportunity to "share" it with someone else. A website called "Kittenhate" used to serve this purpose very nicely, but alas, one sad day, it vanished, just up and disappeared, along with all the other delightfully deviant lovers of masturbation, and various other forms of sexual pleasure and enjoyment. Fortunately, for me, JackinChat stepped in and filled the void very nicely. So, I was just wondering how many others of you may've been frequent "Kittenhaters"?

And, for those of you who are puzzled by the name, it goes back to some saying that you may've heard from the nuns and priests in school, or from your old maiden aunt. It goes something like, "Everytime you masturbate, a kitten dies." Sort of a variation on the "Tinkerbell" saying. Remember that one? Anyway, I was just wondering, and if any of you are here, it's nice to see ya', again. Keep on doin' it, and smile!
Always ready to chat and stroke it when I'm online!!
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sassydog Skilled Jackinchatter

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Yep was only there a short while before it disappeared though.frown
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gylmtl Novice Jackinchatter

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old killer here wink
Masturbare humanum est!
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Ben Enlightened Jackinchatter
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Yeah I remember that site. Hadn't visited it in awhile. Glad you made your way here though! And on a side note, there are a little over 22,000 registered members here, granted a lot of those are spam, but we have a lot more than 800 users grin
I'm just a guy
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Never heard the kitten thing before. My mom just spanked me if she caught me masting. Let me join Ben in welcoming you to our site. Hope you enjoy it as much as I do. Happy rod rubbing.stroke
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Mongoose Amateur Jackinchatter
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An ex-"kittenhater" here. I loved that site. I got up to the number 2 ranking in my state, but could never catch the person who was ranked number 1. Also enjoyed PMing with the female members, talking about our masturbation techniques, stroke what turned us on, etc., etc. I really miss it. frown
A woman's smooth, clean shaven pussy is a beautiful site to behold. The Mound of Venus is like a magnificent work of art, the outer lips are like the softest rose petals, and the inner lips and clitoris are like the finest silk.
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I was a kittenhate regular towards the end and found out about JackinChat from an entry on that site. Then the site up and disappeared one day, just as I had overcome my shyness and started to post regularly!

In fact, I've been thinking that something a bit similar could be done here through a "Masturbation Diary" type ongoing topic. Somewhere where people here could post entries about their masturbation sessions - what they did, what material was used as inspiration, etc.
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slipjerker Amateur Jackinchatter

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Richard_NH said:
Somewhere where people here could post entries about their masturbation sessions - what they did, what material was used as inspiration, etc.

Isn't that what this site is all about??? hehe wink
Will masturbate in person :)
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slipjerker said:
Isn't that what this site is all about??? hehe wink

Not exactly, JackinChat is much broader in it's scope than kittenhate was. Entries on that site were primarily of the "after action report" type. Meaning not so much of the "I'm jerking off now, anyone want to watch?" or "This vid is hot!" posts.

I suppose the thing to do is stop talking about starting such a topic here and just do it.

Maybe later today. hehe grin

P.S. - Over all JackinChat is way better than kittenhate was ... more people and much broader masturbation discussion.

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dickguy Professional Jackinchatter

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I was a member and regular viewer/contributor to Kittenhate, until it disappeared. I think Leslie and I were "neck to neck", or should I say "cock to pussy" on the monthly JO count. It was fun, but this site is even better.
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luv2blowmyload Amateur Jackinchatter

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Hello. Yes, I did participate some on that website a bit prior to its abrupt mysterious disappearance one day.
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Every time you masturbate a kitten dies????? Judas Priest on a Harley!!!!! That is a grotesque thing to tell ANYONE, much less a child.
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Error403 Novice Jackinchatter

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Hahah at first I was confused about what this thread could possibly be about but now I get it. Pretty clever name for a site. Anyone ever find out what happened to it? Weird that it was just vanish into thin air.
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yes - was a UK contributor in the rankings when I had time too take my hands off my cock and type a kill!!
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I think I've got a name for my next band.
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