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storyteller Novice Jackinchatter

46 posts since 2005-12-19
59 year old heterosexual
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my wife likes to catch me jerking off to pics ... and i like her to see me ... but one time she saw me chatting as well ... i loved it ... just want her to get involved in chat too, she hasn't so far but she might ...
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my wife has caught me on the internet beating off while I was watching another women, at first she was furious, but after I explained to her I lov to watch women masturbate she actually started masturbating for me,in front of me or any were I wanted to watch here (even in the car wow) I havent introduced her to chat yet I looking for another women for her to chat with maybe as a starting off point
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WhiteBoy Novice Jackinchatter

24 posts since 2008-12-22
54 year old heterosexual from Las Vegas, NV
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lucky bastards! I'm too afraid to let her know. afraid she'll disown me!
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Wife sees me often. I told her I like her to watch. She'll get naked sometimes and let's me cum on her pussy. Or sits on my dick while I surf. Seen that chat window, but isn't interested.
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Karel Novice Jackinchatter

26 posts since 2008-07-18
73 year old curious from Netherlands
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mine does not know and would not be happy about it though we don't have sex anymore she knows i jack but thinks i only do it in the bedroom
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My wife is aware and tolerant of the fact that I need other forms of sexual stimulus other than the activity that we share occasionally, She knows that I look at porn, mainly about male and female masturbation, and though she is not exactly overjoyed about this she accepts it as preferable to me playing away from home ( not that I would ) but like most women has no interest in viewing for herself. I have started to experiment in c2c with one or two buddies and again she accepts this activity with reluctance. She, however, has made it abundantly clear that if she ever found out that I had chatted/cammed with a woman then she would be devastated -it would be tantamount to being unfaithful which I have not been in 40 plus years of marriage. I have minimal interest in camming with women so this is not much of a problem for me.
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Str8SeaJackin Novice Jackinchatter

8 posts since 2008-08-20
36 year old heterosexual from Seattle, WA
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My wife has no idea, except for the fact she thinks I masturbate like once every 2 weeks. She has caught me years ago jerking off to porn but being caught online would be to "real" and live and she would freak. She hasnt caught me in years and not about to let her start now..
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No way. She did catch me having phone sex one time. At first she was really pissed. Then she got horney.She knows that I sometimes wank, but would be shocked if she knew I did it daily (or more)and even more shocked to find I enjoy jacking with men as well as women as we chat.
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Tony570 Novice Jackinchatter

71 posts since 2008-01-07
64 year old from Northeast PA
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My wife caught me a couple years ago. I was in my home office with my feet on the desk, looking at youporn and talking with someone on the phone. Boy was she pissed but soon got over it. I explained to her that it was normal and that it's better than going out and getting it in person. She seem to understand after that and even jokes about it from time to time. She has also asked to see watch me which is ok with me. The only thing she doesn't know is the person I was talking to on the phone was another guy.

Oh well, just getting off!
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Rod Enlightened Jackinchatter

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54 year old bisexual from Dallas, TX
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My wife knows I jack off, and even encourages it, since our sex drives are quite different. She knows (and, again, encourages) that I enjoy porn, be it a magazine, DVD or online. She even shares in viewing porn with me sometimes. In fact, if she's out and about, and I'm at home, she texts me if she's on her way home and someone's with her, so I won't literally get caught with my pants down.

However, she's not aware of chatting/camming. That's my own private little "me" thing.
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My wife loves to watch me if I act as if I don't know. However, one night a year or so ago she got a bit randy and sat naked beside me jacking me off as I chatted. It was way fun.stroke Her boobs boobs jiggled nicely as she stroked me faster and faster.
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My wife has known for a couple of years that I like to jerk off to online porn. Within the last year I let her know that I sometimes showed on cam and mostly stroked to cams or vids of other guys. She was OK with it, though she let me know she wasn't sure how she'd feel about me actually hooking up with a guy. She hasn't seen me when I'm on cam, but has watched with me a few times, sometimes stroking me off. I'd love to get her to show with me, but I don't think she'd go for it.
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lou50 Novice Jackinchatter

1 posts since 2008-01-29
68 year old heterosexual from Buffalo, NY
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my wife knows that I masturbate, but she don't know that I like to chat online while doing it
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LikesToWatch Novice Jackinchatter

1 posts since 2008-12-18
69 year old curious from New Hampshire
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My girlfriend was really into watching and being watched and what a ball while we were together. I miss it
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wonderspooge Skilled Jackinchatter

551 posts since 2006-03-17
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She knows that I jerk very, very, very regularly. She also knows about my love of porn. As far as chat and camming goes, its a kind of dont ask/dont tell scenario. I'm pretty sure she knows I play. She encourages anything that makes up the massive difference in our sex drives.
Masturbation... It's something that I like to do after I masturbate.
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