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Unregistered ?

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Star....I think we're running into the same men, sadly to say....and I think we are twins seperated at birth. Too friggen funny!!!!! Hopefully the men will learn from your rant, of feelings shared my many a real woman on here.
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Unregistered ?

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What this thread should make everyone realize is this is a cyber chat. Fun? definitely yes, but not the real deal. You have to treat it that way. I'm not saying folks shouldn't treat each other with respect here and have a great time, just saying if you're looking for a meaningful sexual experience, go out and meet a real person. That's how they did it in the old days. Unfortunately, that take alot longer though...frown
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Anna Skilled Jackinchatter
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There's a reason I'm very choosy over who I cybersex with if I have intentions of doing it. Otherwise I just masturbate in the mainroom. If someone tries to make it "just me and you" while that's happening then he's ignored. Usually because the person trying to cyber along with me in the mainroom is just a complete douche and doesn't know what he's doing and is often turning me OFF instead of ON.

I've phoned with maybe.. *counts* (other than Ben) I think 2 guys from #jackinchat. Both were rather good I must say. I'm very choosy about who I call - I have to have known them for a while and cybered with them, etc. I've never had a poor phone sex experience I think but lately I'm just not into it anymore. I'm very expressive on the phone - loud moans, pants, whimpers, and I also like to fantasize with the person. Talk about what we'd like to do to one another, etc.

But I digress. I suppose I don't cyber as much as the rest of you anymore. But back in the day there were some people that did a cum and run on me. It didn't bother me too much because I can always finish myself off without them grin
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Unregistered ?

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Keep in mind- On-line is 110% different than in person, but men and women BOTH IRL can be jerks after they get off too... I had a friend who finally got up the nerve to sleep with a coworker- met at a hotel. She was actually a very nice girl, and she took him at his word that it would be a mutually beneficial encounter. He came in 12 pumps, left- and hardly spoke to her again.

I think I really just need to concentrate on not letting myself get so worked up that I really want to talk to someone- I will be more reserved and choosy, which is a better situation all around anyway!

ibstrokin said:
What this thread should make everyone realize is this is a cyber chat. Fun? definitely yes, but not the real deal. You have to treat it that way. I'm not saying folks shouldn't treat each other with respect here and have a great time, just saying if you're looking for a meaningful sexual experience, go out and meet a real person. That's how they did it in the old days. Unfortunately, that take alot longer though...frown
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"I'm not sure I do much better though. I often type a string of characters that I suppose is meant to suggest keyboard passion..........YEA, like I'd really be typing while I'm cumming. For example....CUMMMMMMMMMMMMINNNNN....now how phony is that?

So, you see the problem. Anybody have any idea of a courteous, non-phony, technique to tell a cyberjacking partner that you have had your orgasm? Maybe there should just be a button to click that might be labeled "CUM" or "ORGASM" that would send a standard message of satisfaction and appreciation as it automatically logs you off."

I don't know if this would solve the problem or if anyone else would even want to do it. But before i get to the point of cumming, i get pretty shaky and it's hard for me to type. So when i know i won't be able to hold off much longer, i let my partner know, and then in a separate message, i type something to the effect that i'm cumming. i hit the send key at the critical moment. it is real, and not faked.

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Unregistered ?

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Did our mothers teach us common courtesy and the others didn't? I have similar issues with other people online when jacking.

I <always> make it a point to let the other person know that I'm cumming by saying "ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh", or "I'm cuminggggggggggg..... oh god!!!!!!" right before I shoot! And I also make it a point to thank them afterward for joining me, instead of just cleaning up and leaving.

Call it cyber-bedside-manners I guess. Some of us have them and others don't! Disappointing, I know, when we encounter others who are like that.


Danny said:
Occasionally, I talk to a GUY in the chat who shares similar interests, fetishes, whatever....and we become CyberJackoff Buds and have a CyberJacking session. (The probability of meeting a LADY in the chat room who 1) wants to talk to me and 2) wants to have cybersex with me is so miniscule that it can be dismissed for purposes of this discussion.)

So we get all horny and take out our dicks and describe in graphic terms all the hot, sexy stuff we're doing to ourselves and (maybe) to each other. And we keep each other apprised of our progress, and we're nearing the edge, and we're not going to be able to hold it much longer............then there's often silence. The other guy just disappears. Not another word. So, I assume he's cum and is busy going soft and cleaning up his keyboard and computer screen. And that's ok I guess. But it seems like simple courtesy would require some sort of orgasm acknowledgement. Something that says he's just shot his load, and it's all over the place, and thanks a lot.

I'm not sure I do much better though. I often type a string of characters that I suppose is meant to suggest keyboard passion..........YEA, like I'd really be typing while I'm cumming. For example....CUMMMMMMMMMMMMINNNNN....now how phony is that?

So, you see the problem. Anybody have any idea of a courteous, non-phony, technique to tell a cyberjacking partner that you have had your orgasm? Maybe there should just be a button to click that might be labeled "CUM" or "ORGASM" that would send a standard message of satisfaction and appreciation as it automatically logs you off.

If this matter of chat room courtesy is ever to be resolved, I know that the knowledgable and horny members of Jackinchat are just the people to do it. winksmile
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Mel Amateur Jackinchatter

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You are so right That is why I have had women call me and they say that they know that I am cumming when I say i am and I know that they are cumming when they say they are it is so much better.
like a jackoff buddie in or around the 936 area code area
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Sparkie Enlightened Jackinchatter

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starfish said:
*warning- rant ahead*


You GO Girl!!!grin
WTF Do you want now?
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Sparkie Enlightened Jackinchatter

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Anna said:

I've phoned with maybe.. *counts* (other than Ben) I think 2 guys from #jackinchat. Both were rather good I must say. I'm very choosy about who I call - I have to have known them for a while and cybered with them, etc. I've never had a poor phone sex experience I think but lately I'm just not into it anymore. I'm very expressive on the phone - loud moans, pants, whimpers, and I also like to fantasize with the person. Talk about what we'd like to do to one another, etc.

I treat phone sex just like in person sex, except for that damn phone in my ear. What's the point of phone sex if one or both people are going to be quite and orgasm under the cloak of whispers. When I am cuming, I let the other person know I am cumming (that goes for cyber chatting as well).

I can honestly say that I have never hung up on woman because either I came first or she did.
WTF Do you want now?
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Danny Skilled Jackinchatter

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Lots of great posts here. I DO type out some "I'm cummmminnn" commentary and then try to hit the send at the right time. Otherwise, I can hardly type at that point....much less relate explicit, graphic, imaginative commentary. After I've recovered, I always thank the guy for helping me get off.

But good cybersex takes skill and imagination. In the bedroom, I do moans, groans, and grunts as the moment approaches. So does my gf. But this is not the stuff of great cybersex. I try to do better verbally when I'm online, but I sure don't have the imagination, and skill at graphic description that I'd like. My hands down best cybersex experience was with a lady. She typed fast, and she typed absolutley OVERWHELMINGLY graphic and imaginative descriptions about what she was doing to me, my penis, my ball sac, etc. It was like she was actually on me. I could barely hit the right letters on the keyboard, much less type much of anything sexy in return. She seemed to understand. Even seemed amused. She knew what she had done and I hope I conveyed some idea of how appreciative I was.....and how wet everything was around me. smile
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valdez101 Amateur Jackinchatter

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my favorite - sync"ing up with a bud
- some guys do a shot clock... a countdown so they can crest and blast off their loads together...

me <5>
you <4>
me <3>
you <2>
<<<<maybe while you still have the means - a final checkpoint note/comment while you can still type - - -
me <1>
both buds <GO>

then I also try a character string or some means to slam the keyboard in between cum blasts

works for me - and most buds have enjoyed <big grin>
- - - and then I also end with a decompression - share the description of the load, the view on my chest and abs ... whether it blasted in ropes or wet puddles... etc. etc.

and always a thanks and sign off . . .
hey - nothing too good after the intensity of sharing it with another dude - who better to know just how frickin hot it can feel !?>!?
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davestr8ker Skilled Jackinchatter

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As a guy, my experience of chatting with other guys isn't any better.

Usually it works out best if you set up your orgasm so that you both know there will be some silence while you finish up (I'm talking about text-only chatting here; haven't tried phone). However, I can keep typing very close to an orgasm. It does make for a gooey keyboard, though (with lube! I know what you're thinking!). And I always stick around for goodbyes.

My big peeve about online chatting is that so few people have good imaginations. I'll type in some of my best dirty prose and I'll only get "mmmm" or "ungh" in response.
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Unregistered ?

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I often get self-conscious becauase

1) I don't know if the other person was a bot (Which is why I love this site because there are actually PEOPLE here)

2) I don't know if I'm over-doing it in detail (I'm a writer as well so I tend to really get into cyber-details)

3) It's hard to tell the context of others when your cybering (sarcasm, sincerity, just busy or not interested)

so yeah... Anything tips for etiquette or finding a JO/Cyber friend (I'm bi) without seeming like a creepy stalker??? Thanks, this site has been really good and open minded.
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Danny Skilled Jackinchatter

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Spring_Heeled_Jack said:
I often get self-conscious becauase

1) I don't know if the other person was a bot (Which is why I love this site because there are actually PEOPLE here)

2) I don't know if I'm over-doing it in detail (I'm a writer as well so I tend to really get into cyber-details)

3) It's hard to tell the context of others when your cybering (sarcasm, sincerity, just busy or not interested)

so yeah... Anything tips for etiquette or finding a JO/Cyber friend (I'm bi) without seeming like a creepy stalker??? Thanks, this site has been really good and open minded.

Don't worry about too much detail. It's the detail that provides excitement for your cyberjacking friend. The more graphic the better. (Just feed it to him a little at a time to let him respond.)

As far as finding a like minded JO/Cyber friend, there doesn't seem to be any rule against using a screen name different from your registered name with Jackinchat. (You're even allowed to change your nick while in the chat.) Use a provocative nick that suggests what you are interested in. Guys often use "str8", "bi", or "gay" in their nicks to indicate what floats their boat. smile
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aronpete Novice Jackinchatter

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There used to be a lot of cybering at Bianca's, a site which seems to be dead now. Over the months in Bianca's chat rooms I admired the cybering skill of a woman named Kimiko. Does anybody here remember her? Damn she was good at getting you off. Anyway, eventually I asked her if her on-line orgasms were real or faked and she said they were all faked. But no matter, we had good times so I decided who cares it's all fun even when people are faking it.
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