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SloStroker said:
I have the opposite reaction which has lead me to accept that I am bisexual. I love the feeling of having cum on me or the taste of a big load in my mouth. After I cum, I prefer to lay naked and shoot the breeze a bit. Hate the guys who jump up, get dressed and bolt.

My best friend in HS and I used to stroke and suck each other. Lots of times we spent the night with each other and when we'd cum we couldn't leave. Many times we ended up doing it again.

This pretty closely describes my feelings! But never having been married relieves any guilt response.
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bukkakeboy00 Amateur Jackinchatter

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Wow...I've never heard anything as intense as this reaction before but I understand how some guys can feel a little nauseated with what they've done sometimes..I guess I have surprised myself and not felt great about things sometimes but on the whole I completely accept it-I'm horny and I like to explore possibilities and experiences..of course they may not always be great but that's all trial and error...and on the whole,I've had a lot more great experiences than bad ones!

A lot of guys have the added social conditioning about having sex with men to contend with-that somehow it's shameful,wrong or unnatural when in fact it's just fun and very often convenient!
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lancslad Novice Jackinchatter

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Iam calling bullshit on that call it what you want but whats been said is A grade bull shit, seriously your on a website that caters to masturbation with othere guys what did you expect.

Its a way to make you feel better then i feel sorry for all of you.
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abro9749 Novice Jackinchatter

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Stiffie said:
Everyone on this thread seems keen to ignore the possibility that the "horny you" that is being blamed by some as due to being at the mercy of your biochemistry, isn't the real you. Isn't it more likely that you feelings of lust for being with another man are the real you and the guilt comes form your worry about how the rest of society would judge you over it, so you repress it and make it a thing of guilt due to conditioning? Also, over the question of whether being with a guy counts as cheating on your wife or not, if you are so confident it isn't cheating on her, why not ask her what she thinks about it? If you have to keep it a secret, but don't feel it's cheating, ask yourself why. Try a little empathy now and again - the person you go meet is no less worried about you being a disease-ridden psycho than you are about them. If you go to their place, at least have the decency to try and hold it together long enough to not make them feel uncomfortable. After all, why are you at their place? Why not do it at your home if you want things all on your terms? This is another human being you're interacting with - don't make them feel shit because you can't deal with your own desires.

well put....my thoughts exactly
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whtmntnstroker Amateur Jackinchatter

172 posts since 2013-06-12
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I think when we are horny and want to cum we let our inhibitions down and anything goes. I dont agree that they are your true feelings but at that point you dont care how you get off. if you feel guilt you should stop. you should be able to say I did that and so what. if you have bad feelings you shouldn't do it.
jerkin when i can!!!!
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gondo Professional Jackinchatter

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This is the most interesting discussion I've come across on these forums in a long time. It addresses why some of us don't do some things we yearn - at least part of the time - to do. I'm one of those.

Part of my experience has been coming to terms with shifting or emerging sexual preferences. Meaning, now that I'm in my late 50's, I find myself thinking and fantasizing more and more about having another cock than my own in my hand - and in my mouth, and to feel another man's hands and mouth on me. This is especially true when I smoke a little weed in the evening. Inhibitions are shed and the cannabis enhanced fantasy brings out deep seated sexual desires, and helps bring me too intense orgasms.

I tell myself, you're not getting any younger, or better looking - now's the time (actually the Time should have been 20 years ago, but that's another story, a disappointing one). I want to experience it at least once. I've had male-male sexual experiences, but that was as a boy, not as an adult (again, another story - told elsewhere in these forums).

Is it just plain cowardice? It would certainly change how I saw myself. I don't know if I would feel guilt and shame, or liberation. Maybe both. And yes, there is the risk of psychos, gay-bashers, thieves and disease. But it is something I would like to know about myself. Am I (bisexual) man enough to go through with it, and want to repeat it? Perhaps it would become an addiction.

If I get the guts to try it, I'll post my experience here.
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SloStroker Omnipitant Jackinchatter

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It's not really that big a deal. It's just sex.

Seems that when we're young, we attach this magical status to sex and hold it in high regard then we grow up, and never forget that it's a normal body function. It's normal to get horny. Yes, it's even normal to have fetishes and perversions. We all have them. Yes, there are people who want to judge or label others, and that's fine. Doesn't change anything.

Sometimes all you need is permission from is yourself. If you want to have sex with a guy, do it. It's fun and you won't turn into a pumpkin or something. I've fucked and sucked men, women, and even pre-op trannys....young and old....fat and thin...many different races. Ya know what, it was all great and I enjoyed the experience.

It's just sex...have fun with it!
Check out my porn blog at https://slostroker.bdsmlr.com/ and my writing blog at https://slostroker.wordpress.com or catch me on Skype as SloStroker
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happyasgilmour Skilled Jackinchatter

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What you're also missing is that there's something missing at home. If there wasn't you would have said to your old friend, "sorry man I'm married now." You love your wife but you're not getting the sex you need or your bored with her. The guilt afterwards is real but the reason you did it is because you're not happy at home.
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matman Novice Jackinchatter

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Read your comments and wanted to let you know just because you are older doesn't mean you can't enjoy sex no more because you might not be hung like a moose or good looking. I myself am 63,really don't even care no more. We both know these young stud muffins are interested in getting fucked and that's it and at times,not safely,I prefer oral sex really and will on occasion see a friend who is married who enjoys kicking back and getting blown..yes he has a nice cock.
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wadsworth Amateur Jackinchatter

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Heartfelt, eloquent, and amazing. You must be a writer by trade.


Giggle_button12 said:
As you meet up....The mystery and anticipation are so enticing. The drive to overcome fear and guilt are intoxicating. And you do battle with whether you should do this or not. What if you get caught? What if the other person is dangerous? What if they have genital warts or are HIV positive? And the battle goes on.

The mutual stimulation, the swollen throbbing genitals, the sensations and naughtiness, the thrill of orgasm and the sheer brazenness of all this are mind numbing.

Then half way through the last throes of orgasm the sickness hits like a black thunderstorm. Suddenly this is a person you are with, a stranger you do not like and you still have a few minutes to be nice to them. As you clean up you wonder what got into yourself. You vow "never again." You are disgusted with yourself. You decide you are terribly sick. You want to get help, but there is no one you dare tell to get help. No, you will do it on your own. You only want your wife and no one else.

But by the time you arrive home, and your wife isn't there you are checking Craigslist. And the battle goes on.

But that night you hold her. Make love to her. And she is 1,000,000 times better than the stranger. And you love her. Enough to protect her, die for her. And the battle goes on.
let's share experiences we have had and jerk off!
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wadsworth Amateur Jackinchatter

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Wow again. After some of the other threads ("Anyone else turned on by filthy ashtrays?"wink, here, at last, is the braintrust.

Not only sound advice, but a compassionate attitude.

You guys ROCK.

marriedboner said:
Unregistered/Gigglebutton and Fatguy describe two different reactions, either you are schooling yourself to put that reaction in its place, or you've found out damn well that it's a part of a vicious, destructive cycle that's eventually going to tear apart something you truly care about, a lot.

Advice I've gotten: Addictive cycles can (should?) be addressed by substituting a healthier or less damaging addiction -- You get to pick one, something you already like works best. Get into one that won't break your wallet or your reputation, and let yourself go wild with it -- otherwise you'll OD on something else or end up right back where you don't want to be.
Sex -- you can't give it up, any more than you can stop eating, so know where your red-line limits are, then be sure you have an orgasm to satisfy it and then go run, motorbike, lift, metal-detect, or whatever else makes the clock stand still for you.
When you start to feel shaky and are about to go into that cycle again and pick up the phone to someone you really don't want to end up on the sofa with, masturbate if you can -- but also go pick up your alternate addiction, and just after your next orgasm when you start to reflect, congratulate yourself -- you just handled a real problem.
But also be aware that when you're congratulating yourself is the easiest time to assume you're okay and do that other thing you didn't want to do.
let's share experiences we have had and jerk off!
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Unregistered ?

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SloStroker said:
I have the opposite reaction which has lead me to accept that I am bisexual. I love the feeling of having cum on me or the taste of a big load in my mouth. After I cum, I prefer to lay naked and shoot the breeze a bit. Hate the guys who jump up, get dressed and bolt.

My best friend in HS and I used to stroke and suck each other. Lots of times we spent the night with each other and when we'd cum we couldn't leave. Many times we ended up doing it again.

I have the opposite reaction also, but didn't always. I felt some self disgust and loathing for a while, but eventually overcame that. Now, I can cum first and suck my buddy to completion, swallow and love it without a thought. I accepted that I am bi.
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SloStroker Omnipitant Jackinchatter

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khungus said:
I have the opposite reaction also, but didn't always. I felt some self disgust and loathing for a while, but eventually overcame that. Now, I can cum first and suck my buddy to completion, swallow and love it without a thought. I accepted that I am bi.

Me too. I don't even know that I'm bi, per se. Just very freakin' horny and I love sex. Don't really care with who. As long as it feels good, it's good.
Check out my porn blog at https://slostroker.bdsmlr.com/ and my writing blog at https://slostroker.wordpress.com or catch me on Skype as SloStroker
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motocrosser Novice Jackinchatter

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FatGuy1985 said:
it makes me realize how much we are a product of our chemical and biological makeup. The release of a few chemicals can completely alter our perception of the world around us. We are at the mercy of our biological urges sometimes.

The urge to have sex with a guy may be a chemical & biological thing, but the guilt is strickly a result of your enviroment. The reason you feel guilty is because you were taught that homosexuality is wrong. Period.
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Andrew85 Amateur Jackinchatter

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Timbo27 said:
I am married and caught up with a mate who I used to play are with when I was younger the other week.
We played around for old times sake, he is gay. He was giving me a head job and I was pulling him off. I blew in his mouth and then he went on my chest. When I was walking to the shower I felt so disgusting. I was dry reaching. The fact that some guys cum was on my chest made me sick.
I know it is not a nice picture but I want to know has anyone felt like this after feeling soooo horny.

yea well thats the dangers of sex etc. u didnt have self control. and now regret it once you bust your nut and not horny anymore. sometimes i have disgusting thoughts in my head while jerking off once im done im like wtf was i thinking bout that for. its a moment thing. also had a group wank with 2 of my brothers and there mates. and i regret that
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