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7up Novice Jackinchatter

18 posts since 2007-10-10
47 year old curious from Greensboro, NC
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Very loose, appears uncut/completely covers head when soft
Shortly after birth
Happy, best of both worlds by having such a loose cut
Probably have them cut, like the way it looks and easier to keep clean
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Lubeck Novice Jackinchatter

23 posts since 2007-11-14
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So I asked the same questions to a circumcised Muslim medical doctor friend who lives in an Arab country. It had never even crossed his mind that boy babies might not be routinely circumcised, genital mutillation is so part of their culture. He couldn't explain why.

As it happens, I am not circumcised, and I know that compared to my brother, who is, and other cut pals of mine, the glans of my penis is much more sensitive than theirs, although I admit, it is impossible to compare pleasure levels.

Hygiene is not a problem. I wash my hands, I wash my cock. Now that humans live with potable water, urinary infections do not occur. If circumcision is to continue for non-medical reasons, I am firmly of the opinion it should be a man's own decision, not his parents, not the dictates of a religion or commercial interests.

Best wishes, DL
I wank, therefore I am.
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jakkit1 Novice Jackinchatter

25 posts since 2008-05-10
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not happy to be cut
restored so i look total covered soft
hate them for cutting me at about 2 or 3
my sons are so happy with their floppy long skins
i envy them
was cut in s africa dunno what style
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Age and location (country/state is fine) 21
Circumcision style? (High, low, tight, loose etc.) pretty loose i guess
Age when you were circumcied? about 3 days???
Are you happy with your status? sure
Would you have (or did you have) your son(s) cut too? Why/why not? i would not have my son cut because i wish i wasn't.
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It's awesome that so many of you fathers know better and won't let your sons be cut short. Caring dads here!


PS: http://www.restoreforeskin.org/
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strangelove Novice Jackinchatter

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I was cut at age 23. A generous cut-- the pink area of the shaft, behind the head, when it's hard, is more than an inch wide before the tan area begins. I like it fine. My son was circumcised at birth. In my view, cut dicks are much better looking than uncut. The sensation in any sex act is the same-- I've had it both ways. Keeping clean doesn't even have to be considered. And the possibility of cancer of the penis is far less.
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i was cut TIGHT at birth in 1967, South Florida, USA.
I am not happy i was cut and since i left both of my boys intact, i have been restoring on and off for about four years. I am much looser and have some coverage when flaccid, as i am pretty small when not erect (i am a grower).
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uncut29uk Skilled Jackinchatter

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strangelove said:
In my view, cut dicks are much better looking than uncut. The sensation in any sex act is the same-- I've had it both ways. Keeping clean doesn't even have to be considered. And the possibility of cancer of the penis is far less.

I had to respond to this.

I don't understand a man saying "it looks better" as a justification for removing a part of his child without their consent.
Does that mean you have the right to dye their hair at three years old if you think Brown hair looks better than Black? Should a person be permitted to tattoo their baby if they think it "looks nice"?

Sorry for being blunt, but that is indescribably selfish. You'd permanently modify your child's body because YOU think that his natural form isn't as good as your modified body?

And there's another thing about religion. Apparently (depending what you believe in) God made man in his own image. So what are we doing changing this supposed image that's supposed to be so perfect. You can't have it both ways.

And Hygiene; I am uncut (so forgive me for responding in this thread, but I felt compelled to). I have NEVER had any hygiene problems.
Like it's such an "inconvenience" to wash your cock properly?

And Penis cancer? You are kidding me!

I don't know the statistics, but in Britain I'd suggest that the majority are uncut, and Cancer of the Penis is not even on the radar medically. Simply because it is so low on the list of priorities.

If removing parts of the body is a good way of preventing remotely possible illness later, why not start cutting off babies fingers to try to prevent them smoking and developing lung cancer, emphysema, throat cancer, heart disease... when they're older. Illness as a result of Smoking is far more dangerous and destructive in our society than the few cases of male genital cancer, so by this theory alone removing fingers is a justified method, right?

Sorry for going off on a rant. It's not that I don't like you as a person, or that I'm trying to offend you, but your reasons for removing a part of your child are at best catastrophically ill-considered, at worst ridiculously selfish.

If I had been modified in this way as a child, it would cause a rift between me and my parents for doing that to me for no justifiable reason.

The only excusable reason to remove a part of a child's body is if it is causing them harm, immediately risking their health.
Vanity, religion, social pressure and basic ignorance are not valid excuses for mutilating another Human.

In my opinion of course.

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imintoit4fun Novice Jackinchatter

9 posts since 2008-08-31
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Circumcized when i was very much would recommened. i have full shik that to tally covers my cock head in my shorts, the then slides right out when errect. Phenomenal for stroking and never had any problems with higene. When children are you, they need to wash under their skins throughly to avoid infection. As an adult, having a forskin provides for the absolute best sexual experience ever. unreal.
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Roger Skilled Jackinchatter

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Circumcised and happy. As for one's son, there are of course religious and cultural considerations. Although circumcision is not mentioned in the Qur'an, it is almost universally practiced by Muslims....at various ages, as late as puberty. And of course it's a biblical commandment specific to the Jews....an outward physical sign of God's covenant with Abraham and the Jewish people. The brit milah (or bris) is performed on the eighth day of a child's life, during the day.
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sk2088 Novice Jackinchatter

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curious_about_cut said:
Hey guys,

Just wanted to take a survey of the guys here regarding circumcision. If you're circumcied and could answer the following questions that would be great! Thanks

Age and location (country/state is fine)
Circumcision style? (High, low, tight, loose etc.)
Age when you were circumcied?
Are you happy with your status?
Would you have (or did you have) your son(s) cut too? Why/why not?

Not sure probally loose
i have heard cut cocks are cleaner. & less chance of getting bacteria.
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luv2blowmyload Amateur Jackinchatter

181 posts since 2007-11-28

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I'm 34 years old and located in the USA.
I'm not really sure how to describe my "circumcision style." I'm not exactly sure what that means. Sorry.
I was circumcised when I was an infant, shortly after my birth.
Yes, I am happy and content being a circumcised man.
I do not have any sons, but unless my wife strongly objected, I would have my son(s) circumcised shortly after their birth(s). I think most US men are circumcised and I would not want my son to feel awkward and unique when he got to the age where he would be naked in front of friends and classmates such as physical education changing rooms, locker rooms,etc. Also, I think US women prefer circumcised men, so I would not want him to feel awkward, rejected, etc., when he became an adult and was sexually active. Plus, I think there are some health benefits to being circumcised such as being somewhat at less risk of contracting HIV,some forms of cancer, etc., but medical research will define that more as time goes on.
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Max Novice Jackinchatter

8 posts since 2005-12-04
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Excellent points against circumcision. My father was a physician and uncut. My mother (a nurse) wanted me to be cut. He said NO. There was no reason for it, and I'll be forever grateful to him. Like the vast majority of uncut men, I have had absolutely no problems with my cock. As for keeping it clean, there's nothing to it and besides it feels good to wash it. I have far more trouble washing between my toes. Should they be cut off? I would suggest that anyone interested in this subject read the book "Circumcision: A History of the World's Most Controversial Surgery" by David L. Gollaher, a professor at the Univ. of Calif. in San Diego. It's very informative and not polemic like so much literature on this topic. You will learn, for example, that circumcision is a procedure looking for a justification. And the justification keeps changing. In the 19th century it was promoted as a means of preventing masturbation which everyone knew caused insanity! The US is the only country that practices neo-natal circumcision on a majority of its males for non-religious reasons. I think the onus is on us to prove that we're right and that countries such as Finland, Sweden, and Germany are wrong. If we want to reduce health care costs, why not start by banning routine circumcision? That's what the National Health Service in Britain did in the late 1940s. Fathers-to-be who are reading this and thinking of getting their sons cut, please read up on the subject. Don't rely on misinformation and doctors who are cut themselves and know nothing about having a foreskin. Your sons deserve to go through life with intact cocks. We consider female circumcision, even in its mildest form, to be genital mutilation. And it's illegal in the US by federal statute. Males should not be treated differently.
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I'm 29 years old and was circumcised at birth, my style is fairly loose. I've restored a bit in the past and plan to resume it. When I'm soft a lot of times the skin comes forward and covers my dickhead as if I were uncut. I think circumcision is idiotic and barbaric. Of course, I wish I had my foreskin back. I will NOT have my sons circumcised. I feel that if the foreskin was not necessary we wouldn't be born with it. Why do we think we can improve upon what nature gave us? Max is right circumcision is a procedure in search of a justification, and was originally introduced to curb masturbation. There used to be a superstition about semen. It was believed that there were incredible health benefits to it and if a man lost too much semen it would affect his health, so the only legitimate reason for a man to ejaculate was to procreate. Also, the church used masturbation/sex guilt as a way to control parishoners. People in the 18th and 19th centuries begin inventing medical problems and associating them with masturbation, such as insanity, blindness, etc., in a type of psuedo-science. We now know just the opposite. Men who ejaculate frequently have fewer incidents of prostate cancer compared to those who don't. That gives me yet another reason to jerk off. Finally the reason that the glans in uncircumcised males looks different than that of circumcised males is that the glans was never meant to be exposed constantly. What if someone decided to remove your eyelids at birth, your eyes would look and function quite differently, and less effectively. So it is with the glans of the penis. Yet, we do so because as a culture we are obsessed with stiffling sexual desire and function. Very sad.
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DaveStradler Novice Jackinchatter

62 posts since 2009-05-11
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At birth
Very happy with status
Son circumcised, as are his two boys.
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