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philintucson Amateur Jackinchatter

111 posts since 2009-10-21
85 year old bisexual from Tucson, AZ
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Me too. Anytime.
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If me and the the guy I'm chatting with are on the same wavelength, age just doesn't come into it 18 or 80 - 2 horny guys enjoying their cocks and sharing the experience is a great turn on.

I've also skyped and phoned with guys much younger than me as well as guys my age.
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I'm in to. Been looking for local Jo bud here in Georgia. Having that site would narrow down who's available. I need to stroke a fat cock of a bud!!!!!
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scarecrow Skilled Jackinchatter

907 posts since 2008-06-01
59 year old bisexual from Illinois
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I'm actively bi but enjoy chatting only with older bi or gay men 50+.
Everyone needs a hobby.
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spunk_drunk Skilled Jackinchatter

712 posts since 2011-04-19
70 year old bisexual from Australia
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G'day, I happy to chat with anyone regardless of age, about anything at all. Have had plenty of personal experiences and I also am very imaginative and open to chatting about any fantasy. Message me and lets have some fun.
Spunk Drunk
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albert_belkin Amateur Jackinchatter

415 posts since 2012-01-05
heterosexual male
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51 here .. open to most chat .. lots of experiences to share
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Moviemaker Novice Jackinchatter

76 posts since 2012-04-25
69 year old bisexual from South Africa
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Would luv to join and be part of the group. Like u guys have said, time differences are a bit of a problerm. I'm in south africa, 7hrs ahead of USA and 1 hr ahead of UK. Can work though. I'm new here so don't know how to form a group. Can someone start one and see how it goes.

It's a great idea justmeincal, thanks.
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joed Skilled Jackinchatter

521 posts since 2008-03-18
72 year old bisexual male from Sacramento, California
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60 year old here. Love chatting and jacking with guys my age. Anybody in northern California, drop me a line. Would love to meet up for fun.
Nicknames: Freestyler
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GoliathTX37 Amateur Jackinchatter

355 posts since 2009-05-15
52 year old homosexual male from Houston
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Some of my BEST JO times were with guys in their 50's-60's. I enjoy gettin a horny bone with older fellas and relaxing for a good long stroke with them. A hot horny boned up jacking Daddy or Grandpa is an awesome commodity1
Are you man enough to ride this ride ?
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39 yo... up for chatting with 19-65
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I'd go for that.
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There is no age limit, nothing like an old stick for a hot fire.

Don't want to just chat want real action but difficult to connect in Eastern Ontario.
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Funstepdad Novice Jackinchatter

5 posts since 2012-06-10
59 year old
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Luv teen pics. Here sniffing steps panties
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tom46268 Novice Jackinchatter

26 posts since 2005-11-12
70 year old bisexual
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Love chatting with guys my age or older. I am 56.
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billyontees Amateur Jackinchatter

300 posts since 2012-01-05
71 year old bisexual from north east
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[married 59 lovecams yahoo wank with similer
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Index » Sexuality » Rainbow Room » Chatting in the Chat Room with older guys (50+)