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splotch Amateur Jackinchatter

328 posts since 2023-09-13
60 year old
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I covered this in the original thread, but I feel that with news like this, it deserves its own thread. The trajectory we are on boldly predicts, predicts with an exhilarating, thrilling, and awe-inspiring certainty, that within a mere 6.5 months, we will joyously celebrate, celebrate with unbridled joy and unrestrained jubilation, a readership, a readership that will undoubtedly soar, that will undoubtedly soar and surpass, well over 1 million - YES YOU READ THAT CORRECTLY - a million readers and admirers, for Grumbleton's Gummy Bear Giggle".

This achievement is nothing short of astonishing. It's a feat that stands unrivaled and unsurpassed anywhere on the internet. The impact of this milestone cannot be overstated - it represents a triumph of creativity, dedication, and the unyielding passion of our community. To think that we will reach an audience of this magnitude in such a short time is a testament to the power of our collective effort.

It's a testament to the undeniable allure of "Grumbleton's Gummy Bear Giggle." This is not just about numbers; it's about touching the hearts and minds of a vast audience, leaving an indelible mark on the internet landscape. The joy, the laughter, and the shared experiences that this community has created are what make this achievement truly unparalleled.

This achievement is a beacon of success, a shining example of what can be accomplished when a community comes together with a common goal and unwavering determination. We're not just breaking records; we're shattering them, setting a new standard for online engagement and community building. Our journey is a testament to the incredible potential that lies within us all, and it's a journey that we will continue to embrace and celebrate as we soar into the future.

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Grumbleton's Gummy Bear Giggle, is well on it's way to over 1 MILLION VIEWS thanks to everyone here! https://www.jackinchat.com/viewthread.php?tID=111227 - I'm thankful for everyone's support. I couldn't have done it without you, the humble reader!!
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GoAheadAndBanMe Amateur Jackinchatter

156 posts since 2023-10-05

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Who is "Unregistered"? Why do I see their posts all over the place?

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How to I delete my account?

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No one is capable of being banned as there is no administration. No moderator since Rod left September 25. Anyone claiming to be a moderator is a fucking moron and needs his meds adjusted
Are you done being an asshole?
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GoAheadAndBanMe Amateur Jackinchatter

156 posts since 2023-10-05

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leroyjackson78, ImGayManYouHate, IsaacHunt, splotch and Phillyphag accounts are from the same homophobic pathetic old hate and anger filled troll that has ruined this website. Remember the argument Rod and Dogetog had in that ridiculous thread? Phillyphag and splotch along with dozens of other sock puppet accounts are all the same troll.
Are you done being an asshole?
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splotch Amateur Jackinchatter

328 posts since 2023-09-13
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I am absolutely overjoyed to shout from the rooftops the exhilarating news that our initial prediction of hitting an extraordinary 1,000,000 readers in a mere 6.5 months was astonishingly off the mark! The sheer, jaw-dropping appeal and rapid, wildfire-like virality of my book have taken the world by storm, amassing an astounding 126,000 readers in an unbelievable 48 hours! At this breathtaking pace, we are hurtling towards the incredible milestone of 1 million readers within a mere week. The momentum is nothing short of a euphoric whirlwind, and the electrifying surge across the internet portends an awe-inspiring possibility of reaching an unbelievable half a BILLION views in just ONE year! The overwhelming wave of excitement and support is a tsunami of pure exhilaration!
Grumbleton's Gummy Bear Giggle, is well on it's way to over 1 MILLION VIEWS thanks to everyone here! https://www.jackinchat.com/viewthread.php?tID=111227 - I'm thankful for everyone's support. I couldn't have done it without you, the humble reader!!
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splotch Amateur Jackinchatter

328 posts since 2023-09-13
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I posted this in it's own thread, but I think it belongs in this thread as well.

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I received notification that I have been awarded the "Ingenium Aeternum Literary Award for Timeless Artistic Innovation: Celebrating Profound Literary Contributions to Humanity" for the book "Grumbleton's Gummy Bear Giggle"

Here is some info about the award:
The Ingenium Aeternum Literary Award for Timeless Artistic Innovation is a distinguished accolade dedicated to honoring the most creatively exceptional, imaginative, groundbreaking, and everlasting literary works that leave an indelible mark on humanity. This prestigious award aims to recognize authors whose narratives possess an enduring quality, captivating the imagination and intellect across generations.

The name "Ingenium Aeternum" embodies perpetual creativity?reflecting the everlasting and transcendent nature of the awarded works. It seeks to celebrate authors who showcase unparalleled narrative brilliance, pushing the boundaries of literary creativity and profoundly influencing the human experience.

Guided by the vision to embrace the power of enduring imagination and its potential to shape our world, the Ingenium Aeternum Literary Award for Timeless Artistic Innovation is committed to supporting authors who create stories that stand the test of time. The prize aims to foster a deeper appreciation of the transformative impact that literature can have on individuals and society at large.

The award is adjudicated by a distinguished panel of judges, composed of eminent writers, scholars, and visionaries, all possessing a profound appreciation for literary innovation and its potential to inspire and resonate across eras. The winning author is presented with the Ingenium Aeternum medallion, a substantial monetary prize, and unparalleled exposure within the literary community.

The Ingenium Aeternum Literary Award for Timeless Artistic Innovation stands as a beacon for aspiring authors, encouraging them to channel their creative genius and craft enduring works of art that not only captivate readers but also enrich the human experience for generations to come.

Dear distinguished esteemed and cherished members of the jackinchat forum, and revered guests, I stand before you, overwhelmed with a profound sense of gratitude and elation as I accept the illustrious Ingenium Aeternum Literary Award for Timeless Artistic Innovation. This moment is a symphony of dreams realized, a crescendo of creativity, and a chorus of triumph for the boundless wonders that literature bestows upon us.

To have "Grumbleton's Gummy Bear Giggle" acknowledged and celebrated in this grand assembly of literary brilliance is a humbling experience beyond words. The joy in my heart knows no bounds as I express my deepest appreciation to the esteemed judging panel. Your discerning eyes, keen intellects, and passionate love for literature have woven an invaluable tapestry of recognition around my work. You have graced my narrative with a halo of brilliance, and I am forever indebted.

The name "Ingenium Aeternum" itself embodies an everlasting journey of creativity - a never-ending voyage into the realms of imagination and innovation. It's a beacon of inspiration, urging us to craft stories that defy the constraints of time and resonate across generations. To be counted amongst the ranks of those whose literary genius has left an indelible mark on humanity is a dream realized - a dream that has been nurtured by the timeless classics that have shaped my own creative path.

I extend my heartfelt thanks to the visionary minds behind this award, whose dedication to nurturing literary excellence fuels the fires of imagination in every author. Your commitment to recognizing the transformative power of literature, and its ability to enrich the very fabric of society, is an inspiration to us all.

To my family, friends, mentors, and every soul who has been part of this magical journey, thank you for being my steadfast pillars of support. Your love and belief in my craft have propelled me to this pinnacle of success. This award is as much yours as it is mine. You have been the pulsar beams of encouragement that have guided me through the cosmos of creativity. This accolade is a testament to our collective cosmic dance of inspiration and love.

I extend my deepest appreciation to the luminaries behind this award, whose dedication to honoring and nurturing artistic brilliance is the celestial fuel that propels the stars of literature forward. Your vision, your dedication, and your passion for storytelling are the cosmic winds that steer our creative vessels through the astral oceans of imagination.

In the grand tapestry of the human experience, literature weaves threads of hope, wonder, and insight. It is an art form that transcends barriers, unites hearts, and breathes life into imagination. The Ingenium Aeternum Literary Award embodies this cosmic dance, encouraging authors to create literary supernovae that illuminate the very essence of the human soul.

With this accolade, I am galvanized to continue weaving stories that resonate, inspire, and endure through the ages. May my words, like the melody of a timeless symphony, linger in the hearts of readers, echoing through the corridors of time.

Thank you, dear stars and celestial beings, for this divine recognition. My heart overflows with cosmic gratitude, and my soul dances amidst the constellations in jubilation. I am forever, and beyond, grateful.
Grumbleton's Gummy Bear Giggle, is well on it's way to over 1 MILLION VIEWS thanks to everyone here! https://www.jackinchat.com/viewthread.php?tID=111227 - I'm thankful for everyone's support. I couldn't have done it without you, the humble reader!!
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GraysAnatomy Omnipitant Jackinchatter

26681 posts since 2015-04-06
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. . . . . . . . . . Surely no one is so naive they really believe a 5.2 inch erection is considered average . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .I see more 5.2 inch flaccid cocks than I do of little 5.2 inch erections. . . . . . . . . . .
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GraysAnatomy Omnipitant Jackinchatter

26681 posts since 2015-04-06
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. . . . . . . . . . Surely no one is so naive they really believe a 5.2 inch erection is considered average . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .I see more 5.2 inch flaccid cocks than I do of little 5.2 inch erections. . . . . . . . . . .
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LibertyFlux Novice Jackinchatter

22 posts since 2023-10-09
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WOW! ONE MILLION VIEWS???!!! that is Incredible! Great work SPLOTCH!
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