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marriednhorney Novice Jackinchatter

6 posts since 2011-04-29
52 year old curious from Kentucky
marriednhorney's Avatar
Hi I'm 39 married and masterbate LOL.

OK so I am looking for friends to masterbate with, probably just chatting on the interwebs at first, but other things can develop if we try ;-) I will say I am open to it after getting to know people.

i'm 39 years old, 5'11" brown hair blue eyes, just lost a good amount of weight but can stand to loose some more, working on that. I am bi curious and would love to hear from men and women who want to chat about porn, fantasies, ect. ect.

I guess contact me via jacknmail and we can start off there. Look forward to meeting you
Looking for friends, to chat and jack and maybe more later, PVT me if interested
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Index » General » Personals » Looking for jacking friends