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dldenise Novice Jackinchatter

20 posts since 2011-12-15
64 year old homosexual from cario , il
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This ones for the girls .Do any out there have the so called penis envy syndrom.Is thsi a fact or fiction always talked about.im a transgender and i have always had gender and genital dysphoria or envy .Imnot saying that you are wanting to be ftm just envy is all .thanks and huggs girls
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Bethany33 Novice Jackinchatter

47 posts since 2011-04-27
61 year old bisexual from New york
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Oh it's a fact. Why do you think we have strap ons. Us gals have a lot of power when it comes to sex. But the rammin of a hot pulsing cock into a partner... There is no greater control than have power over that rod
An orgasm is a terrible thing to waste
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dldenise Novice Jackinchatter

20 posts since 2011-12-15
64 year old homosexual from cario , il
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Hi Beth, Thanks for your input and honesty,i was hopeing to find out if any one g-girls wish they had a penis .Being tg i had breast envy i do hrt i have vagina envy big time but thats the irreversible decision of you life time,
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they are fun to play with but, no, I don't want a penis. I like to keep my brain between my ears.
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Would you like more than one "brain"? Sorry, too easy had to.
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Index » Masturbation » For Her » Penis Envy Fact or Fiction