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aronpete Novice Jackinchatter

96 posts since 2007-10-07
69 year old bisexual from Los Angeles
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If the person you are cybering with is really a bot, what does it matter if it's so good that you can't tell it's a bot? After all, ALL cybering is based on fantasy.
I enjoy my body and hope you enjoy yours.
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brian11zy Amateur Jackinchatter

228 posts since 2006-03-29
72 year old curious from chicago
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I have had the same peoblem with men and women I cyber with. Not all mind you but some. They get off and just hang up or sign off leaving me high and dry.

As for the problem of what to say, I just tell them I am close and I will probobly go quiet for a short time. Then after I have cum I describe what it felt like and how good it was and anything else I think they will enjoy hearing while they get off as well. I have one female friend who takes a long time to cum and I will tell her sexy stories and describe what I would love to do with her. I will continue to do that till she has cum as well. We have become cyber buddies and the reason she continues to do it with me is because she thinks I am patient and will not stop till she enjoys herself as well.
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It is very rude to cum and go before your J/O bud has a chance to get off. Stay with him/her until they finish or just edge for awhile if you know that your bud takes longer to cum than you. I try to cum when my J/O bud does. Nothing like seeing his cock shoot a load as my cum starts to shoot. MMMMM
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