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curious_about_cut Novice Jackinchatter

2 posts since 2007-09-27

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Just wondering for all the cut guys out there when you were circumcised
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gradgrind Amateur Jackinchatter

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Just after birth. When I reached 13, my dad explained how and why. It was done loosely, so I'd have the benefits of being cut and some of the benmefits of being uncut. By 13 he realized that I would have been masturbating, and explained the advantages of being able to drag the skin along with the strokes rather than just sliding my fist over shaft and head.
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strangelove Novice Jackinchatter

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Cut at age 23, in the Navy. the opening in the foreskin was too small-- hard to keep the head clean. Couldn't jack off for three weeks. Orgasms as good as before, and I like the look of my cut cock a lot better than its uncut version.
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eddy Skilled Jackinchatter

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I was cut early, as gradgrind was. But, not as a new born. Also, cut loosely as he was.
Horny old men want sex too.
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Right after birth.
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VaPir8 Novice Jackinchatter

4 posts since 2007-06-21
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At birth...thank God. My boyfriend was cut when he was 17 and he said it was the worst pain he had ever been through. He did it because the foreskin opening was too small--painful erections and hard to keep clean.
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jackintyler Novice Jackinchatter

78 posts since 2006-06-13
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right after birth somes i would like to still have my foreskin and other times I don't
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GuyHudson Skilled Jackinchatter

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8 days after birth
A bone in each hand is worth a try!
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At birth. I wish I wasn't. I think routine circumcision at birth is stupid, especially if you look at the historical evidence as to why it was introduced. It came about in the early 20th century because they thought it would make guys masturbate less, which of course is the ultimate sin in our puritanically founded Victorian society. I wish our society would get over it's paranoia about sex and sexuality.
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HungGuy714 Novice Jackinchatter

4 posts since 2007-09-22
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Right after I was born. My doc did a great job, I love my cut cock!
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chokchai Novice Jackinchatter

8 posts since 2007-09-16
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Cut at age 30 by personal choice. Born in the UK so not cut at birth. Suffered from a tight foreskin in my early teens, which, with a lot of wanking sorted itself out, but rather left me wishing I didn't have it. Finally did it and got circumcised when I was 30, and my ONLY regret is waiting so long to have it done!
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cutat35 Novice Jackinchatter

13 posts since 2007-02-03
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was cut when 35 after much problems with tighness and infections,and split skin and soreness. So much better now even thou its a loose cut, but who am i to compain grin
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