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Fun2Share Novice Jackinchatter

64 posts since 2010-12-19
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[b][/b]Please let me know what you think... about this short story about me and a girl friend.........

Hi all!
Please let me know if this short video of me cumming makes you jackoff. Here's the story:
I made this video (see link below) after I had spent a long, fun night with my friend, Deb, where she was teasing me all night with her sexy look and bod. She recently wanted to share her masturbating sessions with me to get me to open up about mine. So that night I showed her several of my videos that I've posted on many sites. She really liked them so it was fun watching her to say the least! After awhile she got really turned on watching video after video of my solo sessions. While she was watching she would ask me questions about this and that in a video all while not looking at me directly. After some time she moaned out loud and said, "fuck it!". She stood and said she wanted to show me how hot & wet her pussy was. I was speechless! I just stood there nodding up and down blankly looking at her fearing that I might say something stoopid to f#@ck up this latest adventure. So she smiled sexily and pulled off her pretty black dress that showed me she was only wearing 6" pumps & hot black stockings w/ a garter belt under her dress and nothing else Hmmm. Next she got on her bed and leaned back against her headboard slowly spreading her long black stockinged legs real wide. Wow! She looked so turned on as she spread her tall, thick-lipped, soaking and very swollen vagina with a left-handed 'V'. She looked down at her own 'V' and then looked at me with a pleading look. We were (and still are) good friends up until this point and had never taken the plunge as they say. So just as I was about to inspect her wares in detail I glanced at the clock and sadly noticed the time and told her. We knew she was to pick up her Mom at the airport very soon so a rain check was issued to me- to put it mild.
What was I going to do? After she blazed off to the airport I needed to run home and .... make this video. Of course, I told her what I did. She's watched it many times with some of her girlfriends. They all say I should share this video with others where I could see if it inspires them. Let me know.... . Here's the quick link:
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Curvecock Novice Jackinchatter

28 posts since 2011-06-04
48 year old heterosexual from California
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Real fucking nice!
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Index » Masturbation » Jackin Material » Please let me know..will make more!!