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spikebaltar Amateur Jackinchatter

133 posts since 2007-01-03
55 year old curious
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A lot of porn is centered around cock, isn't it?
Althogh some guys prefer to just watch solo or girl/girl porn, most of us willingly watch another guys cock getting sucked or pumping in and out of pussy. A huge amount of porn is tot*lly centered around the cock cumming.
I think around half of guys would allow themselves to get off with another guy if the situation presented itself as it sometimes frequently does in our teens.
Also, as uncut said, guys that willingly fill out these types of surveys are typically far more open sexually and likely to report more bi/homo tendencies/experiences.
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sircumference Skilled Jackinchatter

615 posts since 2007-02-05
59 year old homosexual from alabama
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Most would never breathe a word to anyone, but most men are to some extent bisexual and would like to have a M/M encounter. It's a hell of a lot more common than anyone would believe.

I also believe many times it begins in the puberty years, exploring with open masturbation with male friends. It becomes so very erotic and gratifying at that age, that it leaves a lasting impression and desire for M/M contact. Masturbating to sucking to even anal sex.
"give a buddy a hand, he wants it more than you know.."
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i am fascinated by cocks - str8 guy would like to try M/M stroke or suck, but have no desire for the rest.

Agree on the porn - they are all about the cum shot!
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js06877 Professional Jackinchatter

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sircumference said:
Most would never breathe a word to anyone, but most men are to some extent bisexual and would like to have a M/M encounter. It's a hell of a lot more common than anyone would believe.

I also believe many times it begins in the puberty years, exploring with open masturbation with male friends. It becomes so very erotic and gratifying at that age, that it leaves a lasting impression and desire for M/M contact. Masturbating to sucking to even anal sex.

I agree with you 100% and only regret that I didn't participate in something in my youth. In my next life I plan to be more adventurous.

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sircumference said:

"I also believe many times it begins in the puberty years, exploring with open masturbation with male friends. It becomes so very erotic and gratifying at that age, that it leaves a lasting impression and desire for M/M contact."

Did the same during my puberty years. Talking about our erections, comparing, masturbating. Always thought it was fairly common since a couple of friends also mentioned doing the same with other guys. Yes, it leaves a lasting impression and really fond memories. Under the right circumstances, mutual cock play would be exciting to do again.
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GeorgeGlans Novice Jackinchatter

82 posts since 2009-06-10
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I think of sexuality as a specrum with, at one extreme hetro men who would never, even in fantasy, enjoy another cock and at the other extreme homo men who would run a mile from pussy. In between are the majority who range from "given the right circumstances as long as no one ever found out about it" to actively looking for cock. And most would describe themselves as heterosexual. So, in terms of a spectrum somewhere around 70/80% sounds about right. Impossible to be exact though cos for many sexuality is less fixed and more fluid than we might think.
It does me good like I know it should.
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spikebaltar Amateur Jackinchatter

133 posts since 2007-01-03
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I also recently read about an experiment where when the guy was aroused he would report a willingness to participate in alternate sexual activities when the same subjects would report 'never would participate' in the same activities.
This explains why 'virginity pledges' don't work-unless the person never puts themself in a position where sex is a possibility.
The point is that sexual arousal changes the way we make decisions. IMO if people volunteer unsolicited to take online sex surveys-they are more likely to be open minded to sexual things and report a history or willingness to do stuff like MM or whatever with another guy. The researchers would have to select the survey takers, not the other way around, and they would have to honestly answer the questions for any hope of accurate results.
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hornyucguy said:
sircumference said:

"I also believe many times it begins in the puberty years, exploring with open masturbation with male friends. It becomes so very erotic and gratifying at that age, that it leaves a lasting impression and desire for M/M contact."

Did the same during my puberty years. Talking about our erections, comparing, masturbating. Always thought it was fairly common since a couple of friends also mentioned doing the same with other guys. Yes, it leaves a lasting impression and really fond memories. Under the right circumstances, mutual cock play would be exciting to do again.

I agree with both HornyUCguy and Sircumference. My experiences began as a young pubescent teen. I have very fond memories of the experiences, and all of us guys involved have gone on to live "hetero" lives- being married, having girlfriends, and many of us have children. I do also agree that under the right situation, I would love to have a jackin buddy again. However, the right situation, I am finding, is difficult to obtain.
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GeorgeGlans Novice Jackinchatter

82 posts since 2009-06-10
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What if the right situation is there, in that you each know the other guy would wank or suck with you, you enjoy the same porn and would get each other off, but your scared to be the one who "pushes it", you'd rather wait till he does but you can't wait cos you are gagging for it?
It does me good like I know it should.
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eurowanker said:
Perhaps someone would remind us of the findings of the Kinsey Report (USA)
The Kinsey Report was discredited years ago.
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GeorgeGlans said:
I think of sexuality as a specrum...
Interesting idea. I agree.
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spikebaltar said:
...when the guy was aroused he would report a willingness to participate in alternate sexual activities ...
I definitely fit that category.
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exactly. when we were youger we had plenty of opportunity but its one thing when you are aroused you really want to try just about anything but as soon as you cum you chicken out. when I was in the navy there were a number of times I had the opportunity but we were all afraid to try anything and get caught. About the most we ever did was jo while talking in the stalls. I would have loved to do it in a shower with someone but didn't have the guts. oh well
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horneyoldguy Amateur Jackinchatter

335 posts since 2007-11-26
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A guy is aroused when he sees another guy stroking, cumming, fucking, etc. It is in our nature. So if a couple of buddies are watching porn, and get arounsed, it is not unusual for one or all to bust a nut for the others to see. If they wish to take it further, that is their business and not for the rest of us to judge.
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rodsmith Skilled Jackinchatter

680 posts since 2006-02-02
59 year old heterosexual male from Orange County NY ny hudson valley New York
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Yeah it's hard to quantify. I used to work with a real str8 guy, real macho, but when we had a pic of a naked guy with tape covering his dick he was the first one to remove it. I think a lot of str8 guys are hung up with cock size since they try to compare themselves to guys in porn movies. They're usually into sports and looking and admiring other athletic males denying that that they are jealous of them getting a lot of pussy. I feel that all guys should accept masturbation for what it is, that all guys do it and we should be able to do it together whenever we socialize, in the gym, shower, drinking beer, watching porn. Many guys I've chatted with all admitted that they started this way too and they're mostly str8 and married.
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