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TonyVale Novice Jackinchatter

50 posts since 2018-03-27
60 year old
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Anyone had any which have lasted years and how have they chnaged over that period.

My one over my Auntie has lasted 25 years, rorm being around 15 years old.

Wanked off over her, in litterally 3 decades of her life, as she is about 20 years older than me. Obviously, I doubt she looks as good as she did in her bikini in her 60's as she did a decade ago, but i'm still wanking off to her now. Maybe it is still the thought of how she looked, although she still looks good now.

A few celebrities have stood the test of time too.

Let me know your thoughts, or better still, stories of any long fantasies and how they evolved.

Did they end up happening? Changing to more hatred? The person in question really aged in a bad way and you didn't fancy them anymore? Or...anyone who fancied someone older and then replaced them with their daughter?

Thanks all.
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Rick43 Novice Jackinchatter

67 posts since 2019-12-10
60 year old heterosexual male
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I have something similar to yours. Not an aunt but my best friend's mom.

I literally got one of my first elections looking at her sitting in my kitchen talking to my mother. She had this tight red sweater on and I just stared at her tits. I was about 11 and I'm in my 50's now so yes, been a long time.

Like you I still stroke thinking about her. She still looks good but my thoughts are of her when she was younger.

Never saw her in a bikini but she could really rock a one piece bathing suit. Also twice got to see her with just a bra on top. That was worth a lot of stroking.

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